Our Vision and Mission
Since its formation, Padma Bhushan Dr. Sitaram Jindal has been nurturing this Foundation like a baby, discharging his moral and social responsibilities as Patron in the true spirit of the words of Mahatma Gandhi. By dint of hard work, unshakeable commitment and love for humanity, the Foundation has steadfastly pursued its avowed objectives and has moved forward in leaps and bounds in fulfilling the aims for which the Foundation was originally set up. Believing in the adage "every single paisa of the Foundation is God's money" Dr. Jindal has been taking utmost care in ensuring that maximum benefit is given to the deserving mankind/institutions, while maintaining absolute simplicity without any pomp and show. Jindal Aluminium Limited (JAL), of which Dr. Jindal is the sole Founder, Chairman and Managing Director, has been contributing substantially to the Foundation for discharging its social responsibilities towards the society at large. In the process, JAL, SJF as well as various other related Societies / Trusts / Institutions are running hospitals/ schools, vocational training centres, mobile dispensaries, awarding scholarships to poor students and donations to other charitable institutions. At the cost of repetition, it is worth mentioning that while spending money on any charitable activity, it is ensured that not a single paisa is wasted and proper verification and cross checks are made before and after giving scholarships, donations etc. to ensure that financial assistance given is properly utilised. All donations / scholarships are given without any discrimination of colour, caste or creed.
Operating Principles of SJF:
- To promote education amongst the poor and disadvantaged and to found, establish, maintain, support or subsidise schools, colleges and pathshalas and other institutions for general education of boys and girls.
- To give stipend, scholarship and monetary aid to students and scholars.
- To open, found, establish, assist or make donations or to maintain schools, colleges or boarding houses or any other educational institutions for imparting technical, industrial or commercial knowledge or training or having objects similar to those of this Foundation.
- To grant aids to promote, establish, support and maintain institutions for the growth, advancement and diffusion of knowledge.
- To open, found, establish or finance, assist and contribute to the maintenance of sanitariums, asylums, hospitals, mobile dispensaries, maternity homes and any other institutions for treating the disorders of the human body, treatment of diseases or;
- To assist orphanages, old age homes, shelters / short stay homes for distressed women etc.
- To recognize exemplary humanitarian service so as to accelerate social development.
- To assist extremely poor girls to continue their studies.