Our interaction with a large number of people from the middle class, upper middle class, industrialists, VIPs etc. has revealed that the main adage "visiting a dentist once in 6 months for proper maintenance of teeth" is really a farce. It is common knowledge that if a person with healthy teeth believing in this dictum starts visiting a dentist, he or she becomes his life long slave, since many dentists out of selfish interest are creating dental agony by intentionally damaging natural teeth. Thereafter, they start extracting the teeth one by one. Another startling revelation of our interaction is that people in higher echelons of the society viz people in upper income group, rich industrialists and VIPs are the real victims of exploitation as they are the milking cows for such dentists. These dentists in the garb of "dental care" exploit the rich people by taking a lot of money and the VIPs by asking for undue favours and national awards for which many of them are absolutely unfit. Such dentists do not have any personal experience of the suffering and therefore they continue to play mischief by purposely creating damage by cutting, extracting, putting implants, providing dentures and frequently calling the patients to their clinics for extorting money.
Unfortunately, this mischief is continuously on the increase as a host of new dental colleges where there is insufficient academic staff, insufficient dental chairs, no proper teaching facilities and aids have come up specially during the last 10 years consequent to rampant corruption which has been highlighted by Zee T.V. news channel, Indian Express, Judicial Commission report and Tehelka. Fortunately after such exposure, Dr.R.K.Bali who was somehow or the other clinging to the post of President, Dental Council of India for the last almost a decade has been thrown out recently but unfortunately the damage has already been done as a large number of unwanted colleges have been sanctioned by now. Had this happened in a country with strict policies the concerned would have been punished for life immediately after coming to know of such exploitation, but alas! our democracy is too liberal and the public servants who are in the grip of such unscrupulous dentists liberally oblige them, encouraging further exploitation at the cost of public because many of these public servants are visiting the so called senior dental surgeons who cunningly take advantage by befooling them.
After detailed deliberations, we are of the view that one should try to avoid visiting a dentist at all and take proper dental care at home. If it is a must, then the patient should not stick to one dentist but keep changing, consult one more dentist before extraction or any major work or surgery in order to save natural teeth. Teeth roots and gums are very delicate as well as precious but unfortunately some exploiters (Dentist) cause agony. One can preserve natural teeth till his last breath by taking proper care. Why most of the dentists have not lost their own teeth is a mystery which reveals their malafide intentions. There are many people in the age group of 60s and 70s who have not visited a dentist at all and their teeth are intact. In fact Dr. R.K. Bali himself has not lost a single tooth though he is extracting teeth of others indiscriminately.
It seems that God has erred in providing 32 teeth in the mouth of our beautifully well designed human body which enables such unscrupulous dentists to keep people as their slaves throughout the life. Perhaps He did not realise that some mischievous people from this class can go to such extreme extent. Now, devotees may pray to merciful Lord for changing this scenario. God is great, watching everything and if such cunning exploiters do not repent, apologise and mend their ways, the day is not far off when they will be ruined.
It is a well known fact that in most cases anyone having once visited a dentist becomes his slave for life. Their misery is also due to people not caring for their dental health properly and falling prey to dentist easily. So, almost everyone has to visit dentists frequently incurring substantial expenditure and wasting lot of precious time in whatsoever capacity, status or authority he or she is placed including senior bureaucrats, ministers, leaders, judges, industrialists, traders, professionals and others.
People easily come under the influence of Dentists as they consider them as their life saviour (due to relieving pains) and in return extend all help, favour and do the work of dentists right or wrong, out of the way. These acts are worse than corruption. Moreover, dentists being so widely spread across the country have a cartel and act through their own created agencies like Dental Council of India (DCI), various dental associations, seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions etc. By this, they get help or favour from any authority as everyone has to be a patient of some dentist anywhere in India due to having 32 teeth in the mouth. This unholy nexus is extended not only to the financial exploitation of the patients but extends even to the grey areas of enticing undue and otherwise illegal favours from various public authorities as well, be it for their own personal benefit or as middle-men for other gullible persons. First they ascertain the dentist connected with the authority and then through him get things done for their benefit because no one dares say "No" to his / her dentist. Of course, exceptions are always there in all professions and authorities.
So, considering the necessity of eradicating this horrible menace (worse than corruption) prevailing in the country, a prominent Foundation for social cause has announced the following awards:
US$ 0.5 million for substantial /excellent achievement having invented such measures through innovation, research and development by which people can nearly prevent dental disease as well as avoid visit to dentists and save their money and time.
US$ 2 million for having achieved breakthrough like vaccine through excellent innovation and research by which the people can control/treat their dental problems by themselves avoiding visits to dental clinics and consulting dentists even. In other words, eradication of dental disease as done in the case of smallpox, plague or leprosy.
Befitting award for exposure and endeavour leading to punishment of the culprits (dentists) who are indulged in manipulation, swindling, exploitation and cheating so as to cleanse this profession becoming more and more infamous for causing misery mischievously in selfish interest.
Interested scientists / researchers across the world may contact: Patriot (Regd.) 22/12, 1st Floor, Yusuf Sarai, New Delhi 110 016 E-Mail: patriotngo@yahoo.com |
The awards are open to citizens of all nationalities without any discrimination. Apart from the above, the Trust can also consider application for fellowship for a particular period from such scholars who are conducting extensive research on vital subjects in different fields which may eventually benefit the masses and contribute towards prosperity e.g. finding out substitute for petroleum products (petrol and diesel), eradication of dental diseases etc. Only genuine cases in important fields will be considered.