When you become a victim of some mischievous dentist through his intentionally creating tortures and merciless misery, you may perhaps curse God for having given you 32 teeth only to enable the dentists to exploit. In fact, God has created beautiful human body through fantastic design with numerous components, trillions of cells and sophistication functioning automatically. He could have easily provided just 2 bones - one under the upper jaw and other above lower jaw just for enjoying chewing. But, if you question Him, He may perhaps frankly reply that the teeth were given for beautification without imagining the malafide intention of the crooks of today and at the same time, the people not realising the importance of taking proper care themselves instead of falling a prey to exploiters. Now He may correct.
Our mouth is gateway of food through proper chewing by teeth and producing saliva, a must to avoid indigestion, gastritis, hyperacidity, ulcers, hepatitis, colitis and even cirrhosis/cancer of the rectum. Oral hygiene is the best way to prevent the diseases and resultant complications based on "Prevention is better than cure". Harmful bacteria are contained in a sticky film called plaque, the main cause of gum disease. If not removed, it causes bleeding and tartar (calculus). As the disease progresses, pockets extend deeper and the bacteria move down until the jaw bone that holds the tooth in place gets destroyed. The tooth eventually will fall out or require extraction. Plaque (starting of disease) is a clear sticky deposits of bacteria that adheres to the surface of the tooth and gum tissue; when not removed by brushing and flossing, it hardens into calculus which is a mineral forming with tough, crusty deposit that has to be removed by a sincere dentist having personal experience of losing teeth. But you can avoid its formation to avoid exploitation by Dentists, if you religiously take following precautions which require just 7 minutes daily out of your 24 hours. The mouth comprising gums, teeth, tongue, etc. being a very important place, if cared for properly, our teeth will be healthy and will last life long without seeing a dentist. If neglected and left in the hands of dentists, they can cause a great deal of misery/agony out of their greed and malafide intentions.
Healthy teeth depend on a healthy gum. Follow the guidelines given below to keep your gums in healthy condition:
- Quit smoking, alcohol, chewing tobacco, paan masala.
- Use dental floss regularly at least once a day and inter dental brush as well as gum stimulator if required.
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Use soft brush only.
- Massage your gums hard with finger tip all around for 2 minutes daily.
- Rinse your mouth with saline water (add 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 1/4 glass of warm water) and some herbal/disinfectant formula to prevent bacteria in the mouth from forming dental plaque, which leads to both tooth decay as well as gum disease.
- While using natural brands of toothpaste or toothpowder without added colouring and artificial sweeteners, you may buy a germicidal toothpaste containing chlorine dioxide such as ‘oxyfresh’. Also use a tongue cleaner to remove stuckup bacteria.
- Avoid toxins in the dentist’s clinics as he insists on using the so called silver fillings which in fact contains 50% mercury that contributes to illness - everything from memory loss to chronic fatigue and cancer. Limit your exposure to dental x-rays to once every two years as it being very hazardous may cause cancer. If your dentist insists on frequent x-rays and fillings (so called silver fillings) and other toxic materials, you should change the dentist immediately he has no concern for your life but for his pocket - high degree crooks, e.g. Dr.Bali and compan.
- Tongue brushing and gum massaging daily with pressure once or twice a day removes stuck up bacteria which causes odour, cavity and tooth decay.
- Those who can afford, may use water irrigator - a small power apparatus to remove bacteria and clean the gaps in gums/teeth to avoid any gum disease. It takes 40 seconds.
- Limit the sweets, the primary culprit in tooth decay. If a must, clean your teeth and gum immediately thereafter massaging gums vigorously, rinsing well.
- Get a check up from a dentist of honesty, sincerity, integrity for full cleaning of your teeth and gums to prevent any gum disease once or twice a year. Question him and settle mode of treatment before undergoing torture. Do not simply trust him. Ask him strongly not to resort to unwanted procedures.
- Combine 5 drops each of cinnamon oil, clove oil, and neem oil, one tea spoon full of honey, one tea spoon full of baking soda and half tea spoon of boric acid solution to 4 cups of water placed in a quarter container and shake well. Use for mouth wash and do not eat/drink anything for 30-60 minutes for good effect. Do 4-5 times daily, keeping solution for 5-7 days and then prepare afresh. Continue always. It costs nothing. But don't swallow.
- Take lemon rind washing in running water and rub your teeth and gums massaging your upper gums downward and lower gums upward. This helps to remove plaque and tartar which are the root cause of tooth diseases. Aloe-vera (guwarpatta) is also beneficial.
- Curratage - scraping away of the diseased gum tissue in the infected pocket which permits the infection to heal. It can be done by self during initial stages, using tooth pick etc. to remove blood clots.
- Don't fall prey to one particular/exploiting dentist. Keep changing till you find an honest and trustworthy person who believes in retention, as there is nothing like natural teeth. Resist extraction suspecting his/her intention to replace natural teeth by placing implants for obvious reasons.
- Chewing properly and meticulously generating lot of saliva in the mouth is very essential for digestion and smooth process downstream. Without proper chewing, foods swallowed and going downstream causes lot of health problems and diseases. So, avoid losing teeth and inviting serious life-long trouble at the hands of robbers. Surprisingly, the dentists despite knowing fully well that gum disease is the root cause of tooth loss and diseased tooth requires root canal treatment (RCT), they don't provide or do it mischievously so that they can continue squeezing the patient without caring for his agony. This is a vicious circle and mischievous role played by most of them. The advantage of RCT is that tooth becomes dead and continues functioning life long painlessly not requiring Dentist's intervention. So just imagine who is the loser and who is beneficiary!
The guidelines given above look cumbersome and frightening requiring so many measures to be taken, but in fact there is no complication or difficulty. It is only 7 minutes job daily; otherwise face torture, lose teeth, money and time at the hands of criminals besides losing the charm of eating. Just imagine, how much time you are wasting for other useless activities, apart from spending hours in eating, bathroom, sleeping, resting, working and routine activities. Can’t you spare 7 minutes out of your daily schedule for not only protection of your teeth/gums but the whole system - the fit health, which depends on cutting and mastication of food thoroughly mixing with saliva in the mouth and then swallowing? If you are a benevolent citizen, wishing good of the people, you must sue the Dentists who do harm to your gums/teeth negligently or intentionally so that others learn a lesson.
You can avoid gum surgery/visiting dental clinics, tortures, agony but maintain healthy teeth and enjoy the charm of natural eating/chewing always if you follow the above regimen religiously. It is not a difficult task. Even if it is, it is worthwhile to remain away from the clutches of this exploiting profession. Remember, great things are not accomplished easily. There are many people around 60 years of age enjoying good Dental and General health due to never visiting any dentist.
Everybody must know that tooth decay is caused mainly by gum disease. Gums cover and protect the jaw bone that holds and supports your teeth. This portion is like a foundation that supports a building – if the foundation becomes weak, the building may fall down, even though there is nothing wrong with the building itself. Similarly, gums which are not cared for the bone underneath can become infected and damaged. You can lose your teeth if the portion is not strengthened enough to hold your teeth in place – even if you have never had a cavity in your life. One of the main causes of gum diseases is plaque – a sticky colourless film of bacteria that is constantly formed on your teeth. If plaque is allowed to build up on your teeth and along with your gum line, it can cause your gums to become infected and swollen, red and bleed when you brush or floss. The flossing provides inexpressible benefits that start from day one. After flossing your teeth and gums, you feel cleaner because the floss reaches areas where your tooth brush cannot. Your breath will be fresher and health of your gums will improve. It takes just one or two minutes and is very simple to learn like learning to ride a bicycle. You will feel the difference. Gum disease and tooth loss are fully controllable. The fact is that you can have control over your dental destiny. If you brush, floss and massage your gums every day, you can keep aloof from dental crooks. Clean with gargling and gum massage with index/middle finger and thumb after taking snacks and sweets every time.
The following measures to others to save mouth from dentists’ clutches.
If the qualified Dentists are involving themselves in indiscriminate extraction which any duffer can do, where is the need for 186 dental colleges in the country producing 18000 dentists every year after spending 5-10 lakhs of rupees and 6-8 years by each? Just 10 colleges with one year diploma providing basic education and extraction techniques are enough as they don’t need such sophisticated and expensive education unnecessarily just for extraction and pain removal. The purpose of such higher education is to preserve teeth for whole life by providing proper gum treatment and preventive measures vis-à-vis education to the people. If the Government and Dental Council of India (DCI) accept our suggestions, propagate preventive measures and close all colleges except 10, We can guarantee that Dental health of the people will be better with increased efficiency and happiness. Even if we have to spend Rs.10 crores a year in creating awareness and teaching preventive measures through media and other means by deploying a number of Dentists etc. This is because we have realised the need and importance of saving teeth after seeing people miserably suffering at the hands of a unscrupulous Dentists. But DCI will not agree to this as dentists will lose their income and unemployment of youngsters will rise if exploitation is eliminated besides losing their own hold on this infamous profession. We have already announced 3 Dental Awards for about two million US dollars..
Dental Agony
Dr.R.N.Gupta M.B.B.S, F.R.C.S.(UK)
We all know that dental disease is being aggravated only to fill the pockets of greedy and selfish Dentists as is evident from the following. Please do pay heed.
Avoid seeing the face of dentists unless you are fortunate enough to get a sincere, honest and God fearing person as this profession has been made a criminals hub by Dr.R.K.Bali, former President of Dental Council of India by sanctioning numerous unequipped dental colleges under heavy monetary consideration and the same are producing 18,000 dentists every year in the country, who getting no jobs, are exploiting innocent people ruthlessly for years. Mind you, most dentists (like Dr.R.K.Bali) willfully apply dangerous chemicals (like arsenic, N2) on gums under the pretext of cleaning the teeth which then form cavity. Next step they take is to cut, drill and grind vigorously in the name of cavity filling, putting caps, bridges etc. but this is all a hoax and swindling. Once you fall a prey to these crooks, there is no escape. So, beware of such swindlers. If it is a must, find a honest dentist having himself lost at least 5/7 teeth and ask him not to use any chemicals, burr or grinding/cutting/drilling tool but to tell you the technique of maintaining proper dental health naturally with cleaning techniques and some applications etc. as dentists do for themselves - the secret reason for their healthy teeth and no question of losing their own tooth. Ask your dentist a question - “How many teeth you have lost or any dental disease suffered”. When he has no personal suffering experience, how can he provide you long term remedy sincerely? Hence, keep your dentist changing and never make any dentist your friend but see him with bad eye, i.e. if not as an exploiter/criminal.
Through Dental Council of India and various dental associations etc., they are grabbing/wasting large public funds in this poor country having deliberately made no headway in innovative or preventive directions through research and development for the dental diseases. 91% of Indian population suffered from pyorrhea before independence whereas now it is 93%, and more and more people are becoming victims of dental agony after coming to dentists. Yes, they have invented some things like implant technology but only to exploit more and benefit the profession alone, causing more harm mainly to the middle, upper and rich people, keeping them in the dark through manipulative techniques like drilling for filling mercury and extraction only to place implants. Their modus operandi is first they intentionally create dental disease, then put fillings, crowns and gradually extract one by one and finally place implants which in most of the cases do not stabilize; hence trying again and again. By this, the patients are tortured mercilessly with numerous anesthetic injections, dumping antibiotics, analgesics, not able to chew and eat properly for months and years and many for life even with dentures, thus making their lives hell. By this procedure, jaw bone is totally eroded. The poor are fortunate for having no money to see dentist’s face; hence avoiding tortures. God will not forgive such criminals like Bali including corrupt public servants who take no steps or measures being unconcerned with the lives of the public. If they have any genuine concern or meaningful feeling about what they are getting from public pockets and in return what service or justice they should do, why don’t they in the Government play very sincere and unbiased role in various ways to prevent this profession from exploiting and willfully causing injuries, tortures and misery to the public at large? Is it not a national suffering/loss inasmuch as the people have to visit dentists’ clinics frequently wasting huge time and suffering at their hands, thus barring them from doing/discharging their important routine duties? These crooks intentionally create crowd in their clinics of the patients and make them wait for hours ruthlessly, only to show their superiority. After seriously taking up this malady exposing the dental professional through media and various other means as well as Court cases, the senior dentists in their dental conference held in Bangalore in January 2005 wherein 1000 dentists participated had to admit the following :-
Skill lies in retention and restoration of tooth and not extraction which any duffer can do.
"….minimal intervention and salvaging of the tooth should be resorted to even when it is highly mutilated ………"
They also admitted that despite recent researches, challenges and technological innovations in dentistry, the quality of dental education in India was not upto the mark and would ensure no dentists make a mockery of the profession having already tarnished the image of dentistry to intolerable extent.
So dear readers, beware of Dentist’s ill intention of ultimately removing the natural teeth and placing implants charging fabulously by deliberately creating dental agony. Adopt various measures to prevent gum and teeth diseases and avoid dental agony.
Prevent Gum Disease
Dr.N.M.Babina, N.D.
The health of your or your animal’s teeth and gums almost always has an effect on overall health of the body. Bacteria from tooth and gum infections make their way into the bloodstream which can result in heart conditions and other health issues. Gum and tooth health is extremely important.
Most dental problems are so common that people believe they are inevitable. Actually they are surprisingly preventable.
Prevent gum diseases not only to save your teeth, but also to save your heart. Prevent gum disease because recent studies indicate that bacteria caused by gum disease may pass through the bloodstream to other parts of the body, possibly causing the formation of artery-clogging plaques, which may lead to heart disease. Prevent gum disease not only by brushing, flossing but also by taking a pro-active approach and avoiding dentists. Although factors such as genetics, smoking, poor oral hygiene, diet, sweets and family history can all contribute to gum disease, you can prevent gum disease by taking care of dental problems yourself.
You should know that YOU ARE responsible for your own health. In the final analysis, NO ONE else is.
Tooth aches and gum diseases are usually related in that they both occur in the mouth. They have, generally speaking, very different causes. Gum disease is caused by infection, and prevention, as always, is the best approach to this disease. Avoid over-eating, avoid excessive stress. When gum disease progresses and begins to affect the jaw bone, it is called periodontal disease.
Do You Have Gum Disease?
- Do you have gums with blood when you brush or floss or massage or stimulate?
- Have you noticed the gums that surrounding your teeth are receding or swollen?
- Are you developing spaces between your teeth that you never noticed before?
If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms, you may very well have gum disease. Gum disease or periodontal disease as it is known is an infectious condition that affects the gums and surrounding bones and teeth are harmed. Furthermore, adult gum disease has also been linked to higher incidence of heart diseases and it can result in loss of all teeth if left uncared. If you don’t already have gum disease or have initial symptoms, you can prevent it from ever setting by adopting various measures including the following by practicing good oral hygiene. Prevention is the key here.
In some severe cases, a gum specialist or a periodontist may be consulted for treatment but while doing so one must find out the intention of the dentist, who in India commits all sorts of sins to extract money and more money by acceleration and exaggeration.
Besides aforementioned steps, you may like to follow the following:
- In case of pain, simply apply a generous layer of caster oil to the area that hurts, 3 to 4 times a day. Dilute it with olive oil or coconut oil if it is too strong straight.
- Use prescription strength fluoride tooth paste daily. Also use chlorine dioxide containing tooth paste and mouth rinse daily.
- Wet tea bags can give relief from sores, swollen gums, tooth aches and stop bleeding after extraction even.
- Rinsing/gargling with black tea water (warm) can prevent gum disease and fight cavities. Rinsing for 1 minute 4-5 times a day results in decrease in plaque build up. The chemicals in black tea called polyphenolos suppress the growth of cavity causing bacteria and plaque and reduces acid production levels.
- Honey has enzymes that contain anti-bacterial quality which act as antioxidants to prevent the erosion of tissue surrounding teeth as a result of an infection. Use while massaging gums with fingers.
- Recent findings show that aloe-vera (guwarpatta) cleared up oral lesions associated with lichen planus better than any other traditional treatments. It heals various internal ulcerations of mouth including oral mucus membrane.
- Rinse your mouth every 3-4 hours by plain water and brush the teeth twice a day followed by thorough flossing.
As doctor of naturopathy, I advise the people in general not to fall prey to dentists easily unless it is a must. You can definitely prevent all oral diseases including teeth, gum etc. provided you firmly take certain measures. Be determined lest you face serious misery at the hands of selfish and unconcerned people. By leading a way of life as per naturopathic and yogic principles, you can also maintain general health in excellent condition even without dentists.
Beware of Dentists!
(Shameless Dentists are warned to be humanely)
While oral health is very important, most of the Dentists, out of their selfish interest, create dental agony by intentionally damaging natural teeth; then extracting one by one to keep the patient his slave lifelong. So, never make Dentist a friend nor trust him. Don’t stick to one but keep changing. Nothing like natural teeth. Teeth roots and gums are very delicate as well as precious but unfortunately, Bali-like people exploit. Try to avoid visiting Dentist as long as possible. You can do so even life long if you take proper care. Why Dentists have not lost their own teeth is a mystery which reveals their malafide. They have no personal experience of suffering and so playing mischief by wilfully creating damage; then extracting and finally providing dentures, implants and so on for minting money at the misery of innocent people. Moreover, this mischief is on the increase in our country as 18,000 Dentists are produced every year by 186 Dental Colleges - many of which have been sanctioned without proper teaching facilities but under heavy corruption during last about 10 years by Dr.R.K.Bali (as also shown on Star/Zee TV channels), who was recently thrown out from the post of President of Dental Council of India enjoying for long. But damage has already been caused and exploitation imbibed. These numerous jobless Dentists with poor education and imperfect training add further to the agony. Had this happened in China or Saudi Arabia, they would have been beheaded or hanged. But alas! Our democracy is too liberal.
Dental Council of India
Now the newly formed Dental Council of India (DCI) should take pragmatic and drastic steps if its President sincerely wants to do justice to the people; DCI should immediately take very effective steps to stop this mockery, exploitation and agony to innocent and well to do people (for squeezing money). Immediate punishment to Dr.R.K.Bali for his misdeeds and crimes is a must before the dental profession is ruined. The NGOs and activists must work hard to expose this profession and save public from the criminal hands come what may. Hence DCI is requested to take appropriate steps immediately to punish the culprits and device some preventive and curative measures believing in “Prevention is better than cure”. Most of the dental problems in India can be solved by preventive means and sincere advice but the crooks in this profession who do not have any personal experience of suffering, intentionally cause damage by undertaking drilling, cutting, extraction etc. God has given 32 teeth in each mouth for beauty and chewing but not for exploitation by crooks. DCI being the custodian of these public teeth must device ways and means to protect them for life without seeing the face of the crooks. DCI must change its philosophy from encouraging exploitation to encouraging "Prevention is better than cure"
Union Health Ministry
The public servants, who have now become public masters, are sleeping over this crucial issue despite bringing to their notice repeatedly because most of them also are salves of Dentists. Why the ministry is not ordering CBI enquiry or appointing a judicial commission into this inhumane act by the former President of Dental Council of India in collusion with others so that guilty are punished to save the public from dental agony? It is a serious scandal but being ignored. If the Ministry spends just 1% of its budget on preventive measures, 90% of India’s population can be saved from dental diseases and thus from the clutches of exploiter’s profession but the crooks will not allow to so happen for obvious reasons.
Advice To Public
People should take proper dental care at home and avoid visiting dentists, just by spending 7 minutes daily with few simple measures. Nothing like natural teeth. Teeth roots and gums being very delicate must be preserved by self care. Once you fall prey to the dentists there is no escape. This profession has become an exploitation ground shamelessly swindling the people. |