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Why Charities work towards betterment of education in India?

January 31, 2017
Despite being the largest democracy in the world, India still suffers from lack of sufficient educational facilities for rural children in its parts. Though the urbanites  have sufficient educational institutions  to acquire knowledge in various domains, rural folks  find it hard to  get   the basic facilities  needed  to raise their standard  to be a global citizen .easons for illiteracy among Indians The first and foremost  reason
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Expert medical help through a charitable hospital in Bangalore

January 4, 2017
Medical care and wellbeing are part of social welfare schemes and many a charity organization undertakes it as part of its mission while serving society through its activities. Hospitals run by such organizations function effectively with health care solutions to rural folk and the weaker sections of the society. SJF is one of such Trust in Bangalore which does the job extremely well with devotion


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The Humanity Activities of NGOs in Bangalore!

December 20, 2016
In today’s world there is an increased awareness about the significance of education and the benefits it offers to human beings.  Educational enterprises through charity institutions are many and they are aimed at achieving the vision of an educated India. There are many NGOs in the country that work towards this noble vision. The best NGOs in Bangalore are imbued with enthusiasm to transform
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Sitaram Jindal Foundation – Charity organizations that works towards a healthier society!

October 19, 2016
There are quite a number of Charitable 0rganizations in Bangalore, and Sitaram Jindal Foundation is one that is very prominent in their remarkable, consistent contribution to the society in various field of need.

How do charity organizations in Bangalore improve the health condition of the rural poor?

Charitable hospitals in Bangalore are keen on providing health care to the rural people through free medicine, treatment and
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Women empowerment is the key to societal progress!

September 20, 2016
A society cannot go forward and flourish till its women are empowered to be equal to its male counterpart.  There are many charitable organizations in India working towards this end. Women empowerment is all about helping women gain equal rights in political, social, economic and legal spheres. It helps women get their due rights in education and career without room for gender discrimination.  In our society,
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The importance of promoting the Education to All idea

September 16, 2016
Education to all is a goal with a global commitment from all progressive societies in the world.  There is many a charity for education in India striving to bring a host of educational opportunities to students through various ways, and we at SJF are very much committed to the goal. In a country like India, it is all the more relevant as it has a
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Initiatives for rural and social development in India

September 13, 2016
There are a number of rural development programmes initiated by the Govt of India to improve standard of living of the rural poor. It however, still remains far less than desired, and therefore, there is a need for various charitable institutions that promote rural development in India through their activities, services and contributions. SJF  is one such charitable trust in India that works relentlessly
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Health care in rural areas – a definite booster of nation’s wellbeing

September 6, 2016
Health care in rural areas is a burning problem in many parts of India due to lack of infrastructure, awareness, medical facilities, adequate medical practioners and availability of medicines. Government    initiatives, policies and programs are still inadequate. As a result, NGO s role is important.  Fortunately, there are many charities in India that focus on the health of rural people with care so as to
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