
--> Monthly Archives: May 2017

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The Sitaram Jindal Foundation’s initiatives and how they have helped rural areas

May 26, 2017
Development of countries is an ongoing process. Development of rural areas, in particular, is extremely important, as that is the heart line of India. Unfortunately, in reality, rural areas get the least preference in our country. However, the reassuring part is ,  there are many rural development organizations in India. Sitaram Jindal Foundation is a NGO for rural development in India which contributes to
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Financial aid for education and why it is an imminent necessity today

May 18, 2017
Education  always plays a crucial role both in individual and societal development in a collective manner. Despite  this universal understanding , Education still remains an unaffordable commodity to many in the society. Aspiring young students who want to pursue their higher studies in  streams of subjects they chose cannot do so  many a time merely  because they cannot afford financially.  Sitaram Jindal Foundation is a
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